Hello world. Long time coming.

I sometimes tease my wife for starting things, and then never really finishing through on them.  Like starting a project, and then it falls by the wayside.  It’s very hypocritical of me, as I myself start so many things, with a passion that later dwindles.  Not this time.

Case in point.  This isn’t my first blog.  I have little blogs stored in the crevices of the Internet that I am not sure where they all are.  I have been a Web Design Studio (fully equipped as an LLC), I have done DJing, I have been a radio broadcaster, and a podcaster all under the iMova “umbrella” of my online identity.  This part of the Internet, imova.com, has been patiently “under construction” for what feels like an eternity.

When I started as a “photographer” by creating a flickr account, it was in Bettles, Alaska at 2 am on my birthday when the sun was still in a haze above the arctic circle.  How fitting would it is then to start my “cybersecurity blog” on my birthday.   2 am today.

See, I want to be a Penetration Tester.   I want to be a good, confident (that’s half the battle), technical penetration tester.  So I have been picking up books and committing to someday, get a real technical certification under my belt, my Offensive Security Certified Penetration Tester (OSCP) certification.  I just picked up The Hacker Playbook 3, as working through Georgia’s Penetration Testing book has been good, I got stuck sometimes as the tech is getting old in that book.

Reading the introduction to The Hacker Playbook, Peter Kim harps on the criticality to have your own site, that your own public blog speaks volumes.  I always knew this.  Following up, I am inspired by the richest man on the planet, Jeff Bezos, who said that if he never tried this Internet thing, he would never know he could ever do it.

So here it is, my attempt to try to work into Penetration Testing.  I think this is what iMova.com should be used for.  I might chat about other things too, but I aim to tag my postings to filter relevancy.
